Comet portrayal in Negev rock art
Rock art offers us a fascinating glimpse into the minds of early artists as they sought to document the unfamiliar phenomena surrounding them. Comets, with their bright tails and glowing halos, are a striking example. Their dramatic appearance often led people to interpret them as omens or messages from the gods, usually foretelling impending disaster.
The Greek word "kometes," meaning "long-haired star," refers to the glowing tail of a comet as it moves across the sky. Aristotle likened comets to "a road running through the constellations." Comets have two distinct types of tails: one is straight and bluish, while the other appears white to yellowish. These tails always point away from the Sun and sometimes seem to defy gravity, either appearing to move along the tail or, in some cases, toward the comet's nucleus.
Comets in Rock Art
Rock art preserve ancient celestial imagery, shedding light on how early societies interpreted comets. These recurring depictions unveil their perception of comets as representations of horse-riding warriors wielding elongated, spear-like weapons engaged in battles against unseen adversaries.
Fig.2 The representation of a comet as a horse and rider is depicted in scenes 1 and 2, while
scene 3 portrays an actual spear, highlighting the contrast in the comet abstraction.
In Fig.2, a clear distinction emerges between a comet and its representation as a spear. The scenes illustrate the difference between a comet and its abstraction in rock art. In Scene 1, we see a curved spear that symbolizes the comet's path as observed from Earth. Pay attention to the bulky nucleus on the right and the direction in which the comet's tail extends; it gives the impression that the comet is moving toward its tail. Scene 2 replicates these unique characteristics, with the comet seemingly moving toward its nucleus. For comparison, Scene 3 features a rock art depiction of a horse and rider holding an actual spear. In this case, the sharp edge of the spear is clearly visible.
Unusual Horse and Rider with a Spear in Negev Rock Art
The scene depicted in Fig.3 shows a rider on a horse with multiple tails. The rider is holding a spear with a bulky head. The diagonal dots, emanate from the spear bulky end, extend through the horse's tail. Notably, these tails are shorter and less developed, somewhat resembling a broom.
The portrayal of the horse's hooves resembling wheels reflects the artist's creative vision of how the comet moves through the sky. This artistic rendering draws parallels to the Roman notion of the sun's chariots, which were thought to traverse the heavens in a similar manner.
Fig.3 The horse with multiple tails and rider hurling
a spear symbolize a comet. (photograph by Razy Yahel) On the right a real comet(photo NASA) .
The horse and rider Fig.3 represent a comet in motion, galloping across the sky. The rider throws a spear towards the horse's tail, symbolizing the direction of the comet's motion. This symbolism is reinforced by the rider's turned head and feet, aligning with the comet's movement direction.
The Comet as Demon in Rock Art
The Jewish Maccabean Revolt of 164 BC coincided with the appearance of Halley's Comet. According to Horowitz W (2018), the comet was more luminous and larger in appearance than Venus. Historical records also indicate that Halley's Comet made a return to the region in 66 AD, just before the onset of the Jewish uprising against Rome from 66 to 73 AD. Josephus, a Romano-Jewish historian from the first century, described it as follows: "And so it was that a star resembling a sword stood over the city (Jerusalem); a comet persisted for a very long time."
Fig.4 Demon riding a horse holding a spear,
Negev rock art, passing by the moon (photo Razy Yahel)
The rock art depicted in Fig.4 showcases a horned figure gripping a curved spear. This representation is a customary depiction of a horned demon, which ancient societies associated with an omen of impending danger. The curvature of the spear in the image mimics the visual resemblance of a comet in the sky, tracing its trajectory along the Earth's curvature. The faint presence of the moon on the left side of the scene suggests that it represents a night sky.
In these rock art depictions, the celestial phenomenon of a comet is rendered using earthly symbols, adding authenticity to the scenes. The horse with its wheel-like hooves, acts as a bridge between the artwork and the concept of a comet traversing the sky, akin to the Roman portrayal of the Sun Chariot.
Comets have captivated the human imagination for centuries, finding their way into rock art as foreboding omens linked to calamity and mortality. Ancient civilizations bridged the celestial and terrestrial realms, utilizing symbols and illustrations to elucidate the enigmatic movements of comets. Within the realm of rock art, the representation of a horse and rider symbolizes a comet in motion, while the depiction of a demon riding a horse with a curved spear conveys the fear associated with comets.
Coimbra F. The sky on the Rock: Cometary images2 on Rock Art
Gardner S. 2016 The sun, moon, and stars of the southern Levant at Gezer
Horowitz W 2018 Halley’s Comet and Judean Revolts Revisited
Aksoy O., A combat Archeology viewpoint on weapon representation in Arabia Rock Art.
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